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L4D2 Multihack Review


I love this hack. I've been using it for a long time now. I've used other hacks before, including ******* and some other lesser knowns. TBH, ******* used to have a better aimbot, but I stuck with this hack because of superior abilities like automated spawn anywhere and superior visual options. But within the last few updates, the aimbot has signifigantly improved which makes this hack unmatched. The ability to spawn anywhere you want, turn charging victims around corners and run them half way around the map, speed hack your way out of sticky spots, etc, is just about the funniest shit I've ever seen lol! Mind you, I try to be low key most games, but sometimes you've just gotta rage(HvH, for instance), and I can't remember the last time I've lost with this hack. 10 out of 10 for me for sure.